Hiki-NEET Vol 11 Chapter 4

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of Hiki-NEET!

I forgot to say that I took a week off to get some extra translating done, which is why you didn’t see any releases last week. I will be continuing normally now.

Also, I’ve been agonizing a lot about the word we use for taking apart an animal/monster’s corpse. “Dismantle” only works if they’re machine and all, and “dissect” only works when it’s for research purpose. I asked around and people say “carve”, so I’m using that for now. Let me know if there’s a better word for it.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Hiki-NEET Vol 11 Chapter 4”

Retired Hero Chapter 72

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of the Retired Hero!

I forgot to say that I took a week off to get some extra translating done, which is why you didn’t see any releases last week. I will be continuing normally.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix it whenever I can.

Thanks for reading and for supporting me.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Retired Hero Chapter 72”