BFTG-NT Side Story Chapter 6

Hello everyone!

Sorry for another long delay, but here’s the next chapter of blessings from the goddess! We (both translator and editor) had some motivational problems, which kind of led to this delay. We’ll do what we can to keep the releases under a month, but no promises. I (editor) have caught up to one of my other novels so I have freed up some time with that, though we’d appreciate having a dedicated editor for this novel.


Enjoy the read! Let us know in the comments if you find any typos or anything else wrong in the chapter.

Continue reading “BFTG-NT Side Story Chapter 6”

Retired Hero Chapter 55

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of the Retired Hero!

I posted my monthly report(that I haven’t posted every month recently). You can read it up here. (It will open a new tab)

Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Thanks for reading and any of your support towards me. 

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Retired Hero Chapter 55”