Hiki-NEET Vol 10 Idle talk 4

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of Hiki-NEET!

Sorry for not mentioning it here either, but I decided to take a few weeks of rest from translating. Not sure if it helped me get more motivated, but I’ll be continuing my translation again from now on.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Hiki-NEET Vol 10 Idle talk 4”

Retired Hero Chapter 67

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of the Retired Hero!


Thanks for waiting. I’m kind of back to releasing chapters of the retired Hero and hiki-NEET every week again. I still have to work fulltime beside this, so unfortunately no extra chapters.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix it whenever I can.

Thanks for reading and any of your support towards me.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Retired Hero Chapter 67”

BFTG-NT Companion Chapter 3-2

Hello everyone!

Here is the next chapter of blessings from the goddess! 

So I(Jun) would like to announce something small but significant. Due to losing a lot of my interest and motivation in translating and editing, I won’t be doing much of the editing here anymore. It’s been fun while it lasted, but I miss the time where I could enjoy my time with something fun and/or relaxing without worries.

Anyways, if there are no volunteers to edit the chapter, I will post whatever we have as is and correct things as we go. This time one of the readers on discord volunteered to edit this chapter, so it should be pretty readable, possible translation inaccuracies notwithstanding. I’ll correct things if you find anything wrong, grammar or translation. If you’re willing to help in the editing part and/or proofreading, let us know in the comments.


Enjoy the read! Let us know in the comments if you find any typos or anything else wrong in the chapter.

Continue reading “BFTG-NT Companion Chapter 3-2”